Wednesday, 4 September 2013

SCL 2 (Question 2)

2) Threats and malicious program that can damage a computer, mobile device or disrupt any system.

Types of malware
What it does
1.      Computer virus
·         Set of program instruction that attaches itself to a file, reproduce itself and spread to other files.
·         A small software program that spread from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation.
·         It might corrupt or delete data on a computer use an email program to spread the virus to other computers or even delete everything on the hard disk.
·         Current known computer virus spread by attachment in email messages or by instant messaging messages.
·         Virus can be disguised as attachment of funny images, greeting cards, or video files.
·         It also spread through download in the internet.

2.      Computer worm
·         A worm is a computer code that spreads without user interaction.
·         Most worm begin as email attachment that infected the computer when they are open.
·         Worms usually cause computer and network performance and stability problems.
·         Example: mass-mailing worm
3.      Trojan horse
·         A Trojan horse hides inside other program.
·         It enters a legitimate program such as screen saver then it puts code into the operating system that enables a hacker to access the infected computer.
·         It usually spread by viruses, worms or download software.
·         Example: keylogger-stealing password ; Rmote Access Trojan (RAT)
4.      Bot
·         Bot is actually a short for ‘robot’.
·         Bot sneak onto a person’s computer and spread themselves across the Internet by searching for vulnerable, unprotected computers to infect.
·         When they found one, they quickly infect the machine and report to their master.
·         The bot is then awoken  by their master to perform a task.
·         They do not work alone, but are a network of an infected machines called a ‘botnet’.
·         Example are zombie and botnet.
5.      Spyware
·         Secretly gathers personal information without the victim’s knowledge.
·         They also can change the computer’s configuration or collect advertising data and personal information.
·         They also redirect the web browser of one’s computer to a different website that we intend to go.

How to remove a Trojan, Virus, Worm, or other Malware

Download and extract the Autoruns program by Sysinternals to C:\Autoruns

Reboot into Safe Mode so that the malware is not started when you are doing these steps. Many malware monitor the keys that allow them to start and if they notice they have been removed, will automatically replace that start up key. For this reason booting into safe mode allows us to get past that defence in most cases.

Navigate to the C:\Autoruns folder you created in Step 1 and double-click on autoruns.exe.

When the program starts, click on the Options menu and enable the following options by clicking on them. This will place a checkmark next to each of these options:
·         Include empty locations
·         Verify Code Signatures
·         Hide Signed Microsoft Entries

Then press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the start ups list using these new settings.

* The program shows information about your start up entries in 8 different tabs. For the most part, the filename you are looking for will be found under the Logon or the Services tabs, but you should check all the other tabs to make sure they are not loading elsewhere as well. Click on each tab and look through the list for the filename that you want to remove. The filename will be found under the Image Path column. There may be more than one entry associated with the same file as it is common for malware to create multiple start up entries. It is important to note that many malware programs disguise themselves by using the same filenames as valid Microsoft files. it is therefore important to know exactly which file, and the folder they are in, that you want to remove. You can check our Start up Database for that information or ask for help in our computer help forums.

Once you find the entry that is associated with the malware, you want to delete that entry so it will not start again on the next reboot. To do that right click on the entry and select delete. This startup entry will now be removed from the Registry.

Now that we made it so it will not start on boot up, you should delete the file using My Computer or Windows Explorer. If you cannot see the file, it may be hidden. To allow you to see hidden files you can follow the steps for your operating system.

When you are finished removing the malware entries from the Registry and deleting the                 files, reboot into normal mode as you will now be clean from the infection.

By   : Siti norfaridatul binti Sulaiman
         Ferlicia anak Rasin
         Nurul Sarah binti Jalaluddin

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